Registration: The form for APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION may be procured from 'Establishment' office, filled & signed by the legal Parent and submitted along with the Registration fee:
vide cash or Bank DD, and self attested photo copies of the following documents:-
OR the form for APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION may be downloaded and printed from this website under link “ADMISSIONS” -> “Forms & Formats”. The printed form must be filled and signed by the legal Parent. The above mentioned Registration Fee may be deposited in the A/C of 'Sanskar International School™', A/C No.5183030000053 at any CBS branch of Syndicate Bank or a Bank Demand Draft (DD) in favor of 'Sanskar International School™', payable at Dehradun may be made.
Both, the APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION & the deposit slip or DD along with the self attested photo copies of all the above mentioned documents must then be sent to the Establishment office by speed post on the following address:-
Admission Officer,
Sanskar International School™,
Badripur, Haridwar Road,
In case the formalities for registration is being done via Postage, the online registration form on our website should be filled & sent, also. Please note that the details of the bank Demand Draft or date of depositing Registration Fee in our Syndicate Bank A/C No.5183030000053 should be clearly mentioned in the space provided. Please Note:
After Registration the child is given the time, date and venue for appearing for a written entrance test in English, Mathematics, Science Hindi etc. based on Class-wise Entrance Test Syllabus. The names of successful students are displayed on the school notice board. The parents of the qualifying student should procure the list of documents (required by the 'Establishment' at the time of submitting the admission form) and enquire the exact amount of Demand Draft (Fee and Other Charges for the Current Session) to be deposited at the time of Admission. At the time of filling the admission form an Original Birth Certificate of the Child must be submitted for Play Group, Nursery and K.G. children, along with an attested photocopy of the same.
The Admission Form available from the 'Establishment's' main office, should be completed in the Office Premises and submitted along with all the required documents and a Demand Draft of Admission Fee etc. prescribed in the Current Year's Fee Structure. DD must be drawn in favour of - 'Sanskar International School™', payable at Dehradun. Parents must bring all the Documents along with Admission Fee vide Demand Draft at the time of filling the Admission Form. The Fee will not be accepted in case the documents are incomplete. However, for classes I onwards the Transfer Certificate may be submitted within two months from the date of commencement of the Session in which the Admission is taken or on the Date of Admission; whichever falls later. Please note that the child will be allowed to appear for Examinations only after the Transfer Certificate is submitted.