Opening and closing dates for Registration/ Admission are published about 2-3 months before commencement of the Academic Session in newspapers or displayed on the website OR may be enquired from the 'Establishment' office.
The Registration Form has to be submitted before the closing date. The time, date, place and Syllabus for Entrance Test and Interview is to be procured by the Parents or the Guardian from the 'Establishment' office on the date of fulfilling all the formalities for Registration.
All the admission formalities (i.e. submission of Fee and Documents along with the Admission Form) must be fulfilled within 15 days from the date of declaration of result i.e. within 22 days from the Date of the Entrance Test. However, the Transfer Certificate (T.C.) in original along with an attested photo copy of the same must be submitted within 2 months from date of commencement of the Admission Session or on the date of admission; whichever falls later. In case any Document or Full Fee is not submitted on the due date, the Admission will stand cancelled without notice or refund and the Child will not be permitted to attend Classes or avail any Service provided by the 'Establishment'.
Monthly Fee is to be deposited, in advance, by 10th of every Month. Failure will entail a fine of Rs.100/- till 20th of that Month and Rs.200/- till 25th. Name of the Child will be struck off the rolls on 26th if all the outstanding dues i.e. full/part Fee along with the Late Fee is not deposited by the 25th of the Month. Re-admission will be at the discretion of the Principal. Once it is considered, all dues, including Rs. 1000/- as Re-Admission Fee, must be deposited in the 'Establishment' Office, before the Child is granted Re-Admission. Games, Sports, Activity Fee and Other Charges are to be paid, in advance, along with Fee of April (First Month of the Session). Fee for March is payable with the Fee of the preceding month i.e. February.
In case of withdrawal of the Student at the end of Academic Session, a written application must reach the Establishment Office by 31st of January of the Current Session. If the withdrawal is desired in the middle of the Session the application must be submitted three months before the date of withdrawal. The Fee will not be refunded in any kind of withdrawal. Failing to give a three months notice in writing for withdrawal the Security shall not be refunded. All the Outstanding Dues if not paid by the Parent on time, will be deducted from the Imprest Money or Security or both, before withdrawal of the Child. The Transfer Certificate will be issued two months after the date of withdrawal subject to the clearance of all the Dues and procurement of No Dues Letter (NDL); duly signed by all the concerned Department Heads.